A lot has happened since vacation. I returned from vacation with the intentions of doing a 5k. Didn't happen, and need more time for that.
I also have has a TON of stress in my life, which has actually made me lose more weight. I haven't done as much exercise since coming back from vacation. I do however participate in co-ed softball which has been great so far.
I do still plan on sticking with the plan to lose 100 lbs by next year and I'm 30% there so far.
This morning I stepped on the scale and weigh 217lbs. So far 30lbs I've lost! This is less than I weighed before getting pregnant with Wesley! I know its been atleast 3 years or more since I've weighed this and I'm super proud to have been able to keep it off!
The next few months are crucial and I want to get back into doing my workout videos, walks/jogs with the dog.
Hopefully next update things will be looking up in my life and the stress will have settled a bit.